Bum's Castle

by William Brody
Original - Sold
Not Specified
24.000 x 24.000 inches
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Bum's Castle
William Brody
Painting - Acrylic On Board
another view of a landmark in my childhood home of Harvey,Ill.
February 9th, 2008
Comments (10)

Jacek Dudzinski
Nice job! Keep up the good work! Great talent. I really would apreciate your feedback of my Photography ;-)

William Brody
Patricia this was a grain tower back in the day. I think it was built somewhere around 1911. It also had additional attached buildings at one time. There was a short film about it on some Chicago public station last year . I tried an old link, but it said it could not be found. If I do locate it I'll pass it on to you. Thanks for your kind words.

Patricia Huntsman-Shepherd
This painting is amazing! I know people refer to this castle like building as Bum's Castle but I am looking for the history on this building. Some say it use to be an IC grain elevator. Does anyone know.

Chef Derick Gridiron
i grew up looking at this castle in harvey illinois and to my suprise as i was walking to school in the 90s loving the sights i would see going to thornton township crossing the tracks at 151st u could see the castle wit the birds everywhere... love this pic! timeless piece!
William Brody replied:
Thanks Derick, this piece holds many memories for me as well. Anyone from Harvey can relate to this place as it could be seen from most places through the town.