The Wedding

by William Brody
Original - Sold
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.250 inches
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The Wedding
William Brody
Painting - Acrylic On Board
21 years ago at my niece and her husband's wedding reception, they placed 4 inch tall potted ivy plants at each table. We took ours home and planted it in a far corner in the backyard. From their marriage grew a tight bond two great kids and a thriving business. Meanwhile in our backyard the ivy also thrived. It has expanded some 40 feet or more along the ground on the fence in the neighbor's yard and up a huge maple tree out back. As people we grow together and share much. In nature it is the same, like the ivy and the tree over the years they have literally grown together. It's only fitting that the title of this one is "The Wedding".
November 12th, 2018