
by William Brody
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 x 0.250 inches
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William Brody
Painting - Acrylic On Board
Back in the day of 4 channel black and white
TV, I spent a lot of time outdoors.I use to collect and study bugs as it was free to do so, still is.We lived on a tree lined street and I'd spend hours watching these ants go up and down the trees. Believe it or not these were enjoyable times. Fast foreward to early Spring 2017, it was a nice warm day and we were taking the dog for a walk around the block. The dog like most dogs had to visit every tree. We stopped at this tree and I had a deja vu of my bug years. In that brief moment I saw how really beautiful this tree was. A tree that had been here long before I was born and hopefully long after I'm gone. We seldom see what is right next to us but it is there all the time. I call this painting "Witness", a fitting title for a living thing that has watched us for years, maybe even a young kid collecting bugs off it's bark
January 21st, 2018
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